Saturday, May 17, 2014

Counterculture slang

Counterculture Slang
Slang list

          This is such a gas, y'all. I wish it could be aced, but I tried my best. All my generation is all show and no go, the shallow friggin barbie dolls.They're all around the bend, ya know? Thank god for the few that actually have the brains and use them to the point where common sense is barely alive with them. Should have the good 5% of common sense/street sense folk be put into office. Bail everyone out. Get real, ya'll. Enough with my beef on how shallow and obsessed my generation is with their phones. Just havin' a blast writin' this. Would do a friggin Chinese fire drill, while I'm at all this fun, but this dove's got no reason to get all hyped up on this new thing. Far out, dude. Join us flower children and kick with some friggin flower power, dudes. I'm friggin hip, dude. Got nothing but friggin' jack but school. It's far out, dude. I wonder if the friggin mop top will ever come back... Be peaceniks, dudes.

Alright, enough of that. I can't take how out there that slang of 60s is. Can't believe how baaaaaad it is to the ear! I think I broke my mind trying to speak in their slang.

Post your best try in the comments!

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